Meat Processors

PAMP is a state organization for Meat Processors. We’re affiliated with the American Association of Meat Processors, the National Meat Trade Organization, and participate in the Meat Association Council.

Pennsylvania Association of

Meat Processors

Our association was formed in 1939 when a group of frozen food locker owners decided they needed each other as a support group. The original group was chartered under the name “The Pennsylvania Frozen Food Locker Association.”

With the advent of home freezers slowing the demand for rental lockers many members became involved in meat processing, curing, and product manufacturing. As a result, in 1973 the name of the association was changed again to what it’s known as today: the Pennsylvania Association of Meat Processors.

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Member Benefits

The Pennsylvania Association of Meat Processors was formed in 1939 when a group of frozen food locker owners decided they needed each other…
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PAMP Convention

PAMP holds its convention during the month of May at Penn State. It is the informational highlight of the year. This event features educational…
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PAMP Newsletter

The Pennsylvania Association Meat Processors Association has published its latest newsletter, available for download. Discover our…
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Join PAMP Today

Join PAMP and enjoy the many membership benefits we offer. Our supplier members include firms that provide machinery equipment…